Five reasons you should become a Co-Pilot mentor

If you work in music and could offer guidance to a musician, consider joining Co-Pilot today
There are many benefits to becoming a mentor for a musician. In the following article, we run through a few of the biggest positives; from gaining new skills and confidence, to building networks with other musician and mentors.
Applications to become a Co-Pilot mentor are open and if you would like to learn more about the process, please click the link below.
1. You will learn throughout Co-Pilot as well as your mentee
A perception of mentor-mentee relationships is that the mentor is there solely to provide their mentee with guidance and advice, and not learn anything themselves. In reality, this could not be further from the truth. You will learn as much from being a mentor as they will learn from you.
Past mentors have spoken about gaining professional confidence and newfound leadership skills from the experience, as well as learning to be a more patient and open person as a result of mentoring someone. Essentially, Co-Pilot is a truly two-way relationship where both of you will gain valuable new skills and knowledge.
2. You will help someone to fulfil their potential
The “feel good factor” from inspiring someone throughout Co-Pilot cannot be understated. While the time commitment is small, you are taking an active role in another person’s personal growth, so you’ll naturally become invested in their achievements and successes.
It may only be one year but this is a crucial point in the life of your mentee and their and professional development. Do not underestimate the sense of fulfilment from helping someone along their journey and seeing them grow.
I have felt really fulfilled by helping someone along their journey and seeing them grow. It’s been a key point in Chris’ life and I was able to support him. It sounds simple but that’s something I will miss, a feel-good factor.
3. Small time commitment
If you are concerned about not having enough time to fully commit to Co-Pilot, then rest assured. The time commitment is small and the initiative’s impact is potentially huge. Mentors are asked to complete 8 hours of contact with their mentee over a 6‑month period, via one-to-one video conferencing.
This time commitment can be fulfilled at a speed that suits each mentor-mentee pair. Greater details about time commitments can be found here.
Benny Bizzie
4. You may already be acting like a mentor
It is normal in supportive musical communities for people to help, support and inspire one another with different creative projects and artistic development. In reality, being a Co-Pilot mentor is just a way of formalising these kinds of relationships that already exist.
If you are feeling anxious that you may not be the ‘mentor type’, being a mentor is less intimidating than you think. You may already be acting in a mentor capacity with other musicians in your community and just not realise it.
At first I was reluctant to join Co-Pilot, but I gained confidence and learned so much from being a mentor. I was initially unsure about the knowledge and guidance I could provide my mentee but I realised I knew much more than I thought. I would recommend the Co-Pilot scheme for both mentors and mentees.
5. You can build relationships/networks with other mentors
All Co-Pilot mentors have the opportunity to meet one another throughout the process. In the past, they have used these meetings as a chance to discuss how the experience has been for them, as well as share best tips and practice.
Each mentor will also have the opportunity to attend expert practitioner webinars and develop their own professional practice and career.